MapStruct is a code generator that greatly simplifies the implementation of mappings between Java bean types based on a convention over configuration approach. The generated mapping code uses plain method invocations and thus is fast, type-safe and easy to understand.
MapStruct is an annotation processor which is plugged into the Java compiler and can be used in command-line builds (Maven, Gradle etc.) as well as from within your preferred IDE.
Multi-layered applications often require to map between different object models (e.g. entities and DTOs). Writing such mapping code is a tedious and error-prone task. MapStruct aims at simplifying this work by automating it as much as possible.
In contrast to other mapping frameworks MapStruct doesn’t use reflection at runtime! but generates bean mappings at compile-time which ensures a high performance, allows for fast developer feedback and thorough error checking.
The following mapper example demonstrate some of the most useful features
@Mapper(imports = { LocalDateTime.class, LocalDate.class, UUID.class },
uses = { AMapper.class,
unmappedTargetPolicy = ReportingPolicy.ERROR)
// ReportingPolicy.ERROR useful to never forget to map a
// properties in @MappingTarget, at compile time it
// will failed with a compilation error
public abstract class {
@Inject PersonMapper personMapper;
// since UUID added to imports = {}
@Mapping(target = "uuid", expression= "java(UUID.randomUuid())")
// if you don't add UUID to imports = {}
@Mapping(target = "uuid", expression= "java(java.util.UUID.randomUuid())")
// normally you don't need to add these lines, mapstruct will
// map both fields automatically
// but since my mapping method has 3 parameters, you need to
// append the source, here
@Mapping(target = "name", source = "")
@Mapping(target = "vorname", source = "child.vorname")
// if you don't want to map it to Adult target
@Mapping(target = "age", ignore= true)
// mapstruct detect the type of a, and
// will use AMapper automatically, you just need to add it to
@Mapping(target = "a", source = "child.value")
// mappping required default values or type
// conversion will invoke annotated method
@Mapping(target = "birthday", source = "dbay", qualifiedBy="dateToLocalDate")
public abstract void mapChildToAdult(Child child, Family family,
@MappingTarget Adult adult);
// here for the sake of example, different classes but
// same fields, no need to define anything
public abstract void mapAddress(Address childAddress,
@MappingTarget AdultAdress adultAddress);
@AfterMapping // keep the same signature as mapChildToAdult()
protected void assembleModel(Child child, Family family,
@MappingTarget Adult adult) {
// after mapChildToAdult() is completed, mapstruct
// will call this method automatically
// yes if needed you can use mapping method with
// not only a source and a target if needed.
// you could validate the result in this method
// or map some part of the @MappingTarget Adult
mapAddress(familly,getAddress(), adult.getAddress());
// or use another mapper, adult);
dateToLocalDate(String value) {
if (vaue == null) {
return LocalDate.of(2000, 1, 1);
return date.toInstant()
Writing a java mapper to convert something to an ENUM is straightforward thanks to ValueMappings. Here is an example how to map form a string value to an Enum.
public abstract class ColorMapper {
@ValueMapping(target = "GREEN", source = "001"),
@ValueMapping(target = "BLUE", source = "002"),
// ...
@ValueMapping(target = "UNKNOWN", source = MappingConstants.ANY_UNMAPPED)
public abstract Color mapString(String colorString);
public abstract String mapEnum(Color color);
// Validate String to ENUM mapping and log a LOW_ALARM in
// case the string couldn't be mapped
protected void validate(String colorString, @MappingTarget Color color) {
if (color== Color.UNKNOWN) {
System.err.println("Invalid Color found: " + colorString);
You could also map Java Enumeration to Enumeration
public enum OrderType { RETAIL, B2B, EXTRA, STANDARD, NORMAL }
public enum ExternalOrderType { RETAIL, B2B, SPECIAL, DEFAULT }
@ValueMapping(source = "EXTRA", target = "SPECIAL"),
@ValueMapping(source = "STANDARD", target = "DEFAULT"),
@ValueMapping(source = "NORMAL", target = "DEFAULT")
ExternalOrderType orderTypeToExternalOrderType(OrderType orderType);