SNK Neo Geo Cheat Code

Saturday, Dec 11, 2021 | 7 minute read | Updated at Thursday, Mar 6, 2025

Art of Fighting 2 Extra power for the second game: To do this trick, you must own. Fighting 1& 2 for memory-compatible systems. First, win al 3 bont on Art of Fighting 1and then save your game. Then go to Art of Figl and choose load. Then choose the Art of Fighting 1option you wil t You wil begin the game with al of the characteristics of the AOF1 stages completed ni Art of Fighting 2! Double Dragon Play as Duku or Shorko: At the character select, put the cursor on 1 Marian, then Chung Fu, then Jimmy for 3seconds each time. fI you code correctly you wil hear “Bingo!”. Now you can choose Duku or Fatal Fury Special Sound Test: Pause the game, then press A, B, C, D, A. Fatal Fury 3 Smal characters: This works ni hte versus mode only. Once you es wt o fighters, hold Band Con both controllers al the way through ht screen until the match starts. You must do it again for each fight you code ot take affect. Hidden Characters (CD version only): When you defeat Zin Chon finish the game, save .ti Now load the game and choose “NEW GAN You wil here avoice say “Here comes new fighters!” Kabuki Klash Bos Code: Go ot the battle mode, then push B 12 times, then right : controller one. The screen wil flash and you wil have control of Ma and Karakuri. It wil work on controller 2as well

Change Color: After entering the code above, do the folowing: Sel Yagumo: press A, A, forward+A, C. Her clothes wil change ot whit did ti correctly. Select Kinu: press down, down-back, back, down-ba forward, BC. Her clothes wil change ot purple. The KingOfFighters ‘94 Say Good bye to Censorship: On the high scores screen press Aan controler 1while you press Band Con controler 2. The King of Fighters ‘95 Play as hte Boses: Pick “Team Edit”. At the character select press 1 right+C, left+A, down+D. Saishu Kusanagi and Omega Rugal wil a Uncensor: On the high scores screen press Aand Don controler 1• press Band Con controller .2 (same as KOF 94) The King of Fighters ‘96 Bos DA o): Pers s nda hdol het sat buotn, hten pers s upe, yi The King of Fighters ‘97 Play as Orochi lori: At the character select, put the cursor on Iori, t start and press left, right, left, right, left, right, A+C. Play as Orochi Leona: At the character select, put the cursor on Ler hold start and press up, down, up, down, up, down, B+D. Classic Kyo: Highlight Kyo Kusanagi, hold start and then pres any Soelandohsan,ii sotusorKoyKusanagitahetchar Play as the Orochi Team: At hte character select, hold start and the up, left, down, right, up, down, B+C. Se your team mate ’s atitude: While choosing acharacter at hte o selection screen, hold C. Aface wil appear that represents hte chara atitude. Asmiling face means “always aid” and wil ad 1barot hte character ni advanced mode. Aneutral face means “random aid”. A1 face means “never aid” and wil remove al bars. Choose a winning pose: Hold A, B, or Cot select your pose. Kizuna Encounter Super Tag Battle Bos Code: Using them wil put you under hte folowing conditions

memory card saves. 2.No name sign ni (high scores.) 3.No ending (s 4.No tag partner (fight alone). At the team select screen, set the curse Mezu. Move left, up, right, you ’ll be on Gozu. Circle the screen once counterclockwise, returning ot Gozu. Pres D, you ’l hear Jyazus ’ lau si above Gozu ’s panel, tap up ot access him. (up again ot return to Gr the same for Shin Shishioh, who si above Kage Shishioh ’s panel. Magical Drop 2 Hidden Characters: At the character select, highlight the following characters and press down (in order): The Fool, Magician, High Prie Chariot, Justice, Sorceress, and World. Devil. You may now select S Empress. Ninja Masters Play as Ranaru and Nobunga: Begin a one-player game. On the fir side, set hte cursor on Kamui and press left, down, left, up, left, dow right, down, right, up, Cand D. The bosses wil appear. Time Attack: This is for a one-player game only. At the character st cursor wil start on Kamui. Once there, press down, left, up, left, dor up, left, down, right, right, right, right, up. Your cursor will be back again. Press Cand Dtogether, now you can pick your character. The attack will be canceled if player 2 decides to join the game. Pulstar Ful Power: This code wil let you restore your power whenever you blinking (when hte game starts or you ’ve detonated your probe). To up, up, down, down, left, right, A, B. StageSelect:Onthe"StageStart” screen,selectthestagewithalof (A, B, C, D) at once. This will give you access to stages 5-8. For exa highlight stage 1, then push all 4 buttons to select stage 5. Stage 2=6 4=8. Demos: At hte title scren hit left 7times hten right once. Now pres: on either controller wil show the corresponding cinema. Pad 1=dem Pad 2=demos 5-8. Real Bout Fatal Fury Special Play Geese Howard (CD System): By finishing the game without .I round you wil obtain hte status of “Ace”, then at the Ranking screen right, up-right, up, up-left, left, down-left, down, down-right, right, down-right+ABC. If done correctly, you will hear Geese say: “Come Shadow Versions of Characters: At the character select, move ot lt character you choose ot play as, then do the folowing: Hold hte starl (don ’t let go of it!) Tap butons ni sequence: B, B, C,.C Now hold ed button for about asecond. While still holding B(and Start), press an

Cbuton. While holding these three buttons, press Aor Dto selecty character in Shadow form. You may now let go of al the butons. A( used ot select the color of your character ’s clothes) Hidden Character: At the character select, highlight Andy, Billy, T Mary, then press and hold the start button. While holding start, press C then press and hold B. Wait for 1second, press and hold C, then v more second. If you ’ve done it correctly, Ex should appear. Samurai Shodown Play as Kuroko: At the character select screen in a versus game pre down, left, up, down, right+A. The player who wants ot play sa Kurc press these butons. After the match the game wil reset. Play as Amakusa: Select any character and enter versus mode. Lose save the game. Load the game and then select Charlotte with control continue the game. Press start on controller 1ni the bonus phase. Pla change ot Amakusa. Samurai ShodownII Blood: Go into the options. Highlight “EXIT” and press A+B+C+D simultaneously. THERE SI ANOTHER WAY OT DO IT: Go into t change the language to Japanese, then exit. Go back into the options change hte language back to whatever language you prefer (if not Jay then exit. Start the game and ti wil be bloody. Play as Kuroko: Start a two-player game. On the character select sc press up, down, left, up, down, right+A. You may now select Kurok Unlimited POW (Home Systems only): Press start on controller 1, to the option mode. Press start on controller 2, then in the options me can now change the POW seting from “NORMAL”. ot “MAX”.

Samurai Shodown III Zankuro: Join into a 1-player game on controller .2 At hte character move the joystick from Shizumaru…left, left, down, right, right, up, down, right, right, up, left, left. You wil be back at Shizumaru. Onc wait about 3seconds, then press A,B, and Start simultaneously. Zanl appear. Blood: Go into the options. Highlight “EXIT” and press A+B+C+D simultaneously. Samurai Shodown IV Suicide: While playing, press left, right, down+start Blood Code: Heres ’ a way for you ot get rid of hte censorship that w for the US.. systems. You wil get blood and the ability ot perform "

Contest” moves. On hte option screen go ot “EXTI” and press ABCI exact same time. Now when you start any kind of game you wil get uncensored version. Zankuro C(D system only): nI the versus mode, hold the Dbuton. “A”. Both players may play as Zankuro, but ni the versus mode only. Twinkle Star Sprites Play the bosses: On hte character select screen hilight Load-Ran, pr times and press abuton ot select Sprites, or press down 4times and button to select Memory. Also instead, you may hilight Griffon (the with 3people) and folow hte same procedure to select Mevious (up. Dark-Ran (down). World Heroes Perfect Play as Neo Dio: At the character select, hold Band press up, up, de down, left, left, right, right, BC. Play as Son Guko: At the character select, hold Cand press up, up, down, left, left, right, right, BC.

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Cédric Walter is a French-Swiss software engineer based in Zurich, Switzerland. PGP: DF52 ADDA C81A 08A6