GoHugo tips and tricks, moving away from wordpress

Wednesday, Dec 27, 2023 | 5 minute read | Updated at Thursday, Mar 6, 2025

GoHugo tips and tricks, moving away from wordpress

Why leaving Wordpress for Hugo

  1. If you are the sole person writing posts, using Github Pages as your hosting platform might be a good option for you. This will allow you to focus on creating content without worrying about technical aspects such as security, updates, and maintenance (Bye bye Wordpress, plugins, PHP, Linux, Mysql).
  2. HTML is indeed fast and secure, especially when combined with properly optimized images. You can use a tool like Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze your website’s performance and identify areas for improvement.
  3. The ability to search and replace text in your files is a useful feature that can help you maintain consistency and accuracy across your content. This can be done using a text editor such as Visual Studio Code, which offer advanced search and replace functionality.
  4. As a software engineer, it makes sense for me and I enjoy working with Visual Studio and utilizing plugins (e.g. Visual Studio’s Markdown Extension) to enhance my workflow. You can explore various extensions for Visual Studio!
  5. Backup and versioning is done using Github only drawback I currently see is that the free hosting of github pages can stop anytime.

LastMod alsways up to date

Instead of defining lastmod in front matter, use the git author date or the file modification time when displaying .Lastmod on a page.


With this site configuration…

enableGitInfo = true

lastmod = [':git', ':fileModTime']

…the .Lastmod page method will first try to retrieve the git author date. If that fails, it will look at the file modification time (mtime).

Use archetype

Create a file in your theme folder, e.g. in themes/dream/archetypes/posts.md

title: {{ replace .TranslationBaseName "-" " " | title }}
date: {{ .Date }}
cover: https://www.waltercedric.com/cover.webp
summary: "summary"
  - category1
  - tag1
Cut out summary from your post content here.
The remaining content of your post.

It will be use when invoking:

hugo new content posts/n-intersting-post.md

Some awesome shortcode

Dynamic TOC highlighting and collapsible functionality

see https://github.com/tscanlin/tocbot

Custom code, not as good as TocBot

Hugo TableOfContents that highlight when scrolling in JQuery

Add to your main javascript file

$(document).ready(function () {
      // collapse levels with more than 1 child
      $('#TableOfContents li').each(function() {
        if ($(this).children('ul').length >= 1) {

      // make them clickable
      $('#TableOfContents li').click(function(event) {
        if ($(this).children('ul').length >= 1) {

    const toc = $('#TableOfContents');
    if (toc.length) {
        const links = toc.find('a');
        if (links.length) {
            const observer = new IntersectionObserver(els => els.forEach(el => {
                const id = el.target.id;
                id && el.isIntersecting && links.each(function() {
                    const $this = $(this);
                    $this.toggleClass('active', $this.attr('href') === '#' + id);

            $('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6').each(function() {
                const $this = $(this);
                $this[0].nodeType === 1 && observer.observe($this[0]);


use this css or modify to your liking

.active {
    background-color: #ccff00!important; /* Highlight color, you can change this */
    color: #fff !important; /* Text color, you can change this */
    text-decoration: none; /* Remove underlines, adjust as needed */
    transition: background-color 0.3s ease; /* Smooth transition effect */

.active:hover {
    background-color: #ccff00; /* Darker highlight color on hover, you can change this */

.collapsed {
    list-style-type: none; /* Remove default list item marker */

.collapsed:before {
    content: '+ '; /* Set content to a plus symbol followed by a space */
    display: inline-block; /* Ensure the content is treated as a block element */
    width: 1em; /* Adjust the width as needed */
    margin-right: 5px; /* Adjust the spacing to your preference */

Process css and js

at the place you use your CSS

{{ $semanticCss := resources.Get "/css/semantic.min.css" }}
{{ $semanticCss = $semanticCss | resources.PostCSS }}
{{ if hugo.IsProduction }}
   {{ $semanticCss = $semanticCss | minify | fingerprint | resources.PostProcess }}
{{ end }}
<link href="{{ $semanticCss.RelPermalink }}" rel="stylesheet" />

Some useful bash scripts for Hugo blog owner

These are useful to clean up or maintain a Hugo blog

Normalize filename extensions to lowercase

This avoid any mess like .JPG .Jpg .webp and so on


To be run ONLY in your static folder!

find . -type f | while read -r file; do
    extension=$(echo "$file" | awk -F. '{print tolower($NF)}')
    mv "$file" "${file%.*}.$extension"

Fix jpg to jpeg

jpg is old pre windows 1992, consistently use jpeg


To be run ONLY in your static folder!

find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec sh -c 'mv -i "$0" "${0%.jpg}.jpeg"' {} \;

creating thumbs files

Create thumbs run only in gallery folder, I use a shortcode foldergallery.html


To be run ONLY in your static folder!

for i in `find . -type f ! -name "*-thumb.jpeg" -name "*.jpeg"`; do echo $i; if [ -f ${i%.*}-thumb.jpeg ]; then continue; fi; convert $i -resize 352x352 ${i%.*}-thumb.jpeg; done

WEBP next generation image format

Create webp, I use a shortcode picture.html


To be run ONLY in your static folder! recursive and support space in path

find . -name "*.webp" -delete

find . -type f -name "*.jpeg" -exec sh -c 'cwebp -q 80 "$0" -o "${0%.jpeg}.webp"' {} \;
find . -type f -name "*.png" -exec sh -c 'cwebp -q 80 "$0" -o "${0%.png}.webp"' {} \;
find . -type f -name "*.gif" -exec sh -c 'cwebp -q 80 "$0" -o "${0%.gif}.webp"' {} \;

Hugo Shortcode

Optimize images

{{ $image := .Get "src" }}
{{ $alt := .Get "alt" }}
{{ $avif := $image | relURL | replaceRE `(\.\w+)$` ".avif" | absURL }}
{{ $webp := $image | relURL | replaceRE `(\.\w+)$` ".webp" | absURL }}

    <source type="image/webp" srcset="{{ $webp }}">

    <img loading="lazy" src="{{ $image | absURL }}" title="{{ $alt }}" alt="{{ $alt }}"
  <figcaption>{{ $alt }}</figcaption>



© 1997 - 2025 Cédric Walter blog

🌱 Powered by Hugo with theme Dream.


If you like my work or find it helpful, please consider buying me a cup of coffee ☕️. It inspires me to create and maintain more projects in the future. 🦾

It is better to attach some information or leave a message so that I can record the donation 📝 , thank you very much 🙏.

Copyright information

All editorial content and graphics on our sites are protected by U.S. copyright, international treaties, and other applicable copyright laws and may not be copied without the express permission of Cedric Walter, which reserves all rights. Reuse of any of Cedric Walter editorial content and graphics for any purpose without The author ’s permission is strictly prohibited.

DO NOT copy or adapt the HTML or other code that this site creates to generate pages. It also is covered by copyright.

Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. All photos remain copyright © their rightful owners. No copyright infringement is intended.

Disclaimer: The editor(s) reserve the right to edit any comments that are found to be abusive, offensive, contain profanity, serves as spam, is largely self-promotional, or displaying attempts to harbour irrelevant text links for any purpose.

About me

Cédric Walter is a French-Swiss software engineer based in Zurich, Switzerland. PGP: DF52 ADDA C81A 08A6