I am always trying to complete my collection, you can contact me if you are selling some Neo-Geo CD games
- 2020 Super Baseball
- 3 Count Bout/Fire Suplex
- ADK World
- Aero Fighters 2/Sonic Wings 2
- Aero Fighters 3/Sonic Wings 3
- Aggressors of Dark Kombat
- Alpha Mission 2/ASO II
- Art of Fighting
- Art of Fighting 2
- Art of Fighting 3
- Art of Fighting 3 Special Box Edition
- Baseball Stars Professional
- Baseball Stars 2
- Blue’s Journey/Raguy
- Breakers
- Burning Fight
- Puzzle Bobble
- Chotetsu Brikin’ger/Iron CladÝ
- Crossed Swords
- Crossed Swords 2
- Cyberlip
- Double Dragon
- Fatal Fury
- Fatal Fury 2
- Fatal Fury Special
- Fatal Fury 3
- Football Frenzy
- Futsal: Pleasure Goal on Goal 5
- Galaxy Fight
- Ghost Pilots
- Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2
- Kabuki Klash/Far East of Eden
- Karnov’s Revenge/Fighter’s History Dynamite
- King of Fighters ’94
- King of Fighters ’95
- King of Fighters ’96
- King of Fighters ’96 Collection
- King of Fighters ’97
- King of Fighters ’98
- King of Fighters ’98 with ’99 Calendar
- King of Fighters ’98 Special Box Edition
- King of Fighters ’99
- King of the Monsters 2
- Last Blade
- Last Blade 2
- Last Resort
- League Bowling
- Magical Drop 2
- Magician Lord
- Mahjong Janshin Densetsu
- Mahjong Kyoretsuden
- Master of Syougi
- Metal Slug
- Metal Slug 2
- Mutation Nation
- NAM-1975
- Neo DriftOut
- Neo Geo CD Special
- Neo Turf Masters/Big Tournament Golf
- Ninja Combat
- Ninja Commando
- Ninja Master’s
- Oshidashi Zintrick
- OverTop
- Power Spikes 2
- Pulstar
- Puzzled/Joy Joy Kid
- Quiz King of Fighters
- Ragnagard/Shin Oh Ken
- Real Bout Fatal Fury
- Real Bout Fatal Fury Special
- Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
- Riding Hero
- Robo Army
- Samurai Shodown
- Samurai Shodown II
- Samurai Shodown III
- Samurai Shodown IV
- Samurai Shodown RPG
- Savage Reign
- Sengoku
- Sengoku 2
- Soccer Brawl
- Stakes Winner GI
- Street Hoop/Dunk Dreams
- Super Sidekicks
- Super Sidekicks 2
- Super Sidekicks 3
- Super Spy, The
- Rally Chase
- Top Hunter
- Top Players Golf
- Twinkle Star Sprites
- Viewpoint
- Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer
- Windjammers/Flying Power Disc
- World Heroes
- World Heroes 2
- World Heroes 2 JET
- World Heroes Perfect