Last weekend I took part in the biggest Swiss Blockchain Hackathon #SBHACK19 , and our team Lend-It won twice!
- BlockByte won in agriculture vertical.
- BlockByte won First prize among 39 teams together with Velove team.
200+ hackers, 20+ countries, 39 teams, 7 verticals (Agriculture & Food, eGovernment, Mobility, Finance, Intelligent Parcel, Supply Chain) , 57 coaches, 6211 messages in Slack, 20 million lines of code written in just 42 hours!
Many interesting solutions have been developed in the fields of intelligent parcels, finance, agriculture and food and others.
BlockByte designed an immutable Land Lease Ledger (LLL based on R3 Corda) where the involved parties can enter agreements which are fed by historic land usage data, trusted events and benefit from a data-driven revenue and risk sharing mechanisms. A weather based parametric micro insurance using Ethereum was also added
Our code is hosted at https://github.com/blockbyte-sbhack19 and you can watch all other submissions here http://jury.sbhack.ch/
BlockByte team:
[My personal certificate][1] is certified and tamperproof secured on the blockchain by certifaction.io .