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Use DCEVM and add java fields, methods, classes and use them without restarting your application server, it ’s a modification of the HotSpot VM that allows unlimited class redefinition at run-time. You can add/remove fields and methods and change the super types of a class at run-time. The features of DCEVM are likely to be integrated in a future update of #Java 8 as part of JEP 159.
View code changes instantly and increases team velocity!
DCEVM | JVM Hot Swap | |
Changes to method bodies | yes | yes |
Adding/removing Methods | yes | no |
Adding/removing constructors | yes | no |
Adding/removing fields | yes | no |
Adding/removing classes | yes | no |
Adding/removing annotations | yes | no |
Changing static field value | yes | no |
Adding/removing enum values | yes | no |
Modifying interfaces | yes | no |
Replacing superclass | yes | no |
Adding/removing implemented interfaces | no | no |
Initializes new instance fields | yes | no |
You ’ll need to patch your own version of java (latest as of today is 1.7.71)
This project is similar to JRebel . Main differences are:
- HotswapAgent (DCEVM) supports Java8!
- HotswapAgent does not need any additional configuration for basic project setup.
- JRebel is currently more mature and contains more plugins.
- JRebel is neither open source nor free.
- JRebel modifies bytecode of all classes on reload. You need special IDE plugin to fix debugging.
- HotswapAgent extraClasspath is similar to JRebel configuration
- HotswapAgent adds watchResources configuration
Patching Java to use DCEVM
Download from https://github.com/dcevm/dcevm/releases the right patch for java 1.7.71 it is https://github.com/dcevm/dcevm/releases/download/light-jdk7u71%2B2/installer-light-jdk7u71.2.jar
Run it as administrator, it will find your installed Java JDK or you can use “Add installation directory”
Click on both Replace by DCEVM and Install DCEVM as altjvm
Now add to all your launchers the following -XXaltjvm=dcevm
Reloading Spring Bean
Each application framework (Spring, Hibernate, Logback, ) needs special reloading mechanism to keep up-to-date after class redefinition (e.g. Hibernate configuration reload after new entity class is introduced). Hotswap agent works as a plugin system and ships preconfigured with all major framework plugins. It is easy to write your custom plugin even as part of your application.
Download agent.jar from https://github.com/HotswapProjects/HotswapAgent/releases
Save anywhere on disk, e.g. in C:\java\hotswap-agent.jar for example
add to all your launchers the following -javaagent:C:\java\hotswap-agent.jar
Spring plugin uses agent services to:
- Modify root Spring classes to get Spring contexts and registered scan path
- Watch for any resource change on a scan path
- Watch for a hotswap of a class file within a scan path package
- Reload bean definition after a change
- and many other